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The company won the bid for the design and installation of high-precision electronic copper foil air purification system with an annual output of 20000 tons
News | 2022-4-18 | Views: 745

It was learned from the marketing center that the company successfully won the bid for the design and installation project of 20000 ton high-precision electronic copper foil air purification system of Guangxi Huachuang New Material Technology Co., Ltd. The successful bid winning of the project is another representative project of our company in the field of electronic copper foil after winning the bid for Tongling Nonferrous Metals' ultra-thin electronic copper foil project with an annual output of 20000 tons of high-precision energy storage (phase II).

It is understood that as one of the key projects in Yulin City, the project has a total investment of about 130 billion yuan, which is the largest investment project introduced by Yulin city so far. The annual output of 100000 tons of copper foil project has a total investment of 6 billion yuan and a total area of 73.3 hectares. It is constructed in five phases, with 20000 tons in each phase. After the completion of the project, it will become a new energy battery and 5g communication copper foil project with advanced technology and strong competitiveness in the world, and contribute to the development of China's new energy power battery industry.

Contributed by marketing center


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